ConvertKit Integration


Last Update 8 bulan yang lalu

To set up the ConvertKit integration: Go to the Settings > Integrations section.

Here, go to the Convertkit section > Click on Setup.

This will open up the Convertkit integration section.

Now, login to your ConvertKit account > Open the profile menu > Click on Account settings.

Here, open the Advanced section.

Now, copy the API key.

Paste the API Key in the Convertkit Integration section.

After this, click on Show for the API secret.

Now, copy the secret.

Paste the secret in the Convertkit Integration section.

Now, click on Next.

After this, select the list to sync.

Finally, click on Save and Sync.

The affiliate data in your program will automatically get synced with ConvertKit.

Check out our video guide on how to integrate ConvertKit with GoAffPro: 

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