Download Data Reports


Last Update před 9 měsíci

To download data reports: Go to the Settings > Reports section.

Here, select the type of data.

Now, select the time period.

You also have the option to filter the data by affiliate, group, or tag.

After this, click on Download.

Finally, after the report gets generated, click on Click here to download the file.

You can download reports for a particular period, affiliate, or affiliate group. The types of data reports, that you can download are:

  • Affiliates
  • Orders/Sales
  • Rewards/Bonuses
  • Products
  • Payouts
  • Traffic
  • Points
  • Connected Customer
  • Party/Event report
  • W9 report
  • Transactions log
  • Leads

Check out our video on how to download data reports:

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